Haiku New Year!
I just very nearly wrote a post about how nobody loves me and nobody visits any more and even fewer bother to comment and and and. I called my readers 'poppet' and said they weren't pulling their weight because I was visiting them and they weren't visiting me, and how I was upset about it.
How crass would that have been? Whew, close one. Narrow shave for all of us. The hand, feeds, that, bite, never, you: all that.
Righto. As you were.
Isn't the weather shit today? I'm worried that my precious, cherished satellite dish is going to plunge off the upstairs wall, cos the pointing on the brickwork up there isn't all it might be. I must get round to fixing that one day. What would I do if that happened? I'd have to read a book, or even talk to people. Or play a game.
So anyway, to the topic in hand.
I realise that I've sort of forgotten to menshun New Yr. Do you really want to hear about it now? It seems so long ago, doesn't it? Not really very interested now, I expect?
So, in order to be as entertaining as possible, very brief highlights in the form of .... haiku!
Feel free to play along! Remember, strictly 5,7,5 syllables!
Here are my first efforts, and I reserve the right to do some more later.
Champagne blind tasting
Is a good game for New Year
Fourteen is too much.
Do karaoke!
Unless you really can't sing
Like me and Nigel.
Go up to your bed
Early if you aren't worried
We will laugh at you.
Make sure the children
Don't stay up long after twelve
It will all go tits.
I will give a virtual prize for the best effort in the comments! Go on, join in!
*Update! This is the second effort, once I realised that haiku is 5,7,5 not 5,9,5. Duh. But see how cleverly I have edited all my efforts to fit the correct pattern!*
How crass would that have been? Whew, close one. Narrow shave for all of us. The hand, feeds, that, bite, never, you: all that.
Righto. As you were.
Isn't the weather shit today? I'm worried that my precious, cherished satellite dish is going to plunge off the upstairs wall, cos the pointing on the brickwork up there isn't all it might be. I must get round to fixing that one day. What would I do if that happened? I'd have to read a book, or even talk to people. Or play a game.
So anyway, to the topic in hand.
I realise that I've sort of forgotten to menshun New Yr. Do you really want to hear about it now? It seems so long ago, doesn't it? Not really very interested now, I expect?
So, in order to be as entertaining as possible, very brief highlights in the form of .... haiku!
Feel free to play along! Remember, strictly 5,7,5 syllables!
Here are my first efforts, and I reserve the right to do some more later.
Champagne blind tasting
Is a good game for New Year
Fourteen is too much.
Do karaoke!
Unless you really can't sing
Like me and Nigel.
Go up to your bed
Early if you aren't worried
We will laugh at you.
Make sure the children
Don't stay up long after twelve
It will all go tits.
I will give a virtual prize for the best effort in the comments! Go on, join in!
*Update! This is the second effort, once I realised that haiku is 5,7,5 not 5,9,5. Duh. But see how cleverly I have edited all my efforts to fit the correct pattern!*
The Love Of My Life
Is a big girly jesse
When it comes to drink.
Play the PS2
When the kids have gone to bed
When you're drunk it's ace.
I'll just keep playing by myself if I have to. Don't worry. I'm used to it.
By crisiswhatcrisis, at 9:16 am
I once participated in a real time virtual haiku competition at the Beep's
if I could do that httttttp htttttml link thing and if I could be bothered to go back and search for the post, I'd link you in just:< >here
but I can't and I can't
so there
and you never bloody comment on my comments let alone comment on my blog, so what are you moaning about? you probably hate me and you'd hate the nonsense I drivel on about, so you're just saving yourself the time and space I guess
good for you
I'm only writing this because I feel particulararilyhoweverit'sbl**dyspeltly miserable today - not that you do or should care - despite all my helpful advice re your depression (how's it going by the way? meds kicking in? I hope so!)(and no, since you asked, I'm not having a relapse, just feeling crap)
I love your blog posts
they'd make me laugh out loud loads
if only haiku'd
but I can't cos I'm fed up
so there
oh, I've said that already
By I, Like The View, at 6:05 pm
Erm, I'm going to have to think of a haiku and come back
(btw - that wasn't meant to be one, need coffee/time/brain power..)
By Tabby Rabbit, at 5:19 pm
new year is rubbish.
save your joy for saturdays
they rock much harder.
By surly girl, at 6:46 pm
Hurray! Some mates to play with at last! Welcome all. Although of course you are all virtual mates and therefore don't exist. But never mind!
Oh, ITLV, what are we going to do with you? I've said that I really appreciate my commenters on so many occasions. Really I do. Thank you, once again, for bothering to seek me out and for your kind words.
I am a new man, thanks for asking, the meds are a work of genius. I absolutely don't want this to become a mental health bore blog, though, so as far as possible I'm not mentioning it. I just keep taking the tabs and feeling normal, which is enough, believe me. I do read your blog, promise, and I will make the effort to comment on it. I find it an absorbing read.
Tabby, thanks for coming, welcome, and I look forward to your haiku. I think you'll find that coffee really is the answer to most questions.
Surly, I am not worthy. Good effort, girl.
I may do another subject in haiku at some point in the future. I've amused myself with it anyway.
Still time to enter. Tell your friends!
By crisiswhatcrisis, at 5:35 pm
Forty milligrams
Suppresses inhibition
Of serotonin.
I am a new man
The elixir of my life
Is Citalopram.
In just a few days
We are all going skiing
Uh, did I mention?
See what fun we have
Writing about mundane things
In haiku format.
By crisiswhatcrisis, at 5:43 pm
okay okay o
I'll calm down now shall I? yoh!
mention skiing tho. . .
. . .once more and I might
have to book myself a flight
and come view the sight
(glad you're feeling good
so glad you're feeling better
if only I could)
By I, Like The View, at 8:06 pm
(erm, "absorbing" read? cheers mate!)
By I, Like The View, at 8:08 pm
My blogger's been off for 4 days. I would have been here before honest!
Reading, sick in bed.
Bells stir my brain around
New Year? cough, oh yea.....
By Unknown, at 7:44 pm
so have you gone yet?
I hope you've gone to Norway!
(not much snow in France. . .)
word ver:
By I, Like The View, at 9:01 am
Still here, still waiting
For the early morning call
To perfect white stuff
By crisiswhatcrisis, at 9:47 am
I've just noticed I missed a trick up at the top:
I'll just keep playing
By myself if I have to
I am used to it
would have been better, wouldn't it?
Never mind. Hey, later, if I get time, a guest blogger!
By crisiswhatcrisis, at 9:50 am
Deeply sad regrets
For making you wait for this
Hello from Down Here
Well, hell - that just about did my bloody head in! Do you know how many times I had to count the syl... sylla... sillybilly thingies to make them fit? A lot. That's how many. And I'm still not sure I got it right.
I thought about not coming back again, but am deeply fascinated by whether or not your satellite dish will fall off or not. Do keep us posted, won't you?
By Lippy, at 12:12 pm
a comment of snow
from way down below, it seems
crisis blogs the world
By I, Like The View, at 7:39 am
so you have a mug
with green ridges along it
malcolm, guest blogger
welcome, malcolm to
the view through my window blog
enjoy your time here
not that it's my job
to welcome you here, I just
had five minutes spare
By I, Like The View, at 11:34 pm
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