No time ...
Going to see a new client this morning so no time for long post. Going to see old (read: both existing, and elderly) client this afternoon so no time for any post at all really. Two meetings to prepare for and all that. So should stop blogging, really. And prepare. For my meetings. Any time now would be good.
I'll just get a coffee first.
I'll just get a coffee first.
oh yeah, nearly forgot, 88 days to crisis and counting. I think. I can never work it out. I'll have to write down the numbers every day in my diary or something. Unless that's sad, is it? It's not even as if it's my first life crisis or anything, I already had the big give-up-you-job-and-do-something-else-altogether-for-a-living-one. This is just a number. Oh good, that's another 5 minutes nearer my meetings and I still haven't done anything. All right, I'm going now.
Don't chase it: I wasn't getting them, like an idiot. Sometimes I can be so cunning that I go right through clever and out the other side into profoudly stupid.
Gold wall will appear, when I get my new sofa. Promise.
crisiswhatcrisis, at 9:46 pm
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