I know it's a perennial blog subject, but I am unable to resist.
So, I hope whomever came to me via the Google search "porridge change colour of poo" found what they were looking for. Welcome, indeed. I hope finding me was worth wading through several hundred other entries first. I mean, I got bored after six hundred or so. But you persevered. Well done. I noticed, also, how many blogs appear above me on the list. Including four that I read regularly. I'm not saying whom. You will have to search yourselves; my lips are sealed.
And welcome, welcome, too, to the MSN searcher for "farm fucking Barbados". I hope your long search, too, was worthwhile. Come again, do.
Feel free to comment on your weirdest search result entry. I am sure I am not alone. I may even award a virtual prize for the best if I am caused to laugh out loud.
So, I hope whomever came to me via the Google search "porridge change colour of poo" found what they were looking for. Welcome, indeed. I hope finding me was worth wading through several hundred other entries first. I mean, I got bored after six hundred or so. But you persevered. Well done. I noticed, also, how many blogs appear above me on the list. Including four that I read regularly. I'm not saying whom. You will have to search yourselves; my lips are sealed.
And welcome, welcome, too, to the MSN searcher for "farm fucking Barbados". I hope your long search, too, was worthwhile. Come again, do.
Feel free to comment on your weirdest search result entry. I am sure I am not alone. I may even award a virtual prize for the best if I am caused to laugh out loud.
how exactly do u find out this info? ive seen peeps blog about it and its bugging me now!
cookie monster, at 12:35 am
Cookie monster - most of the blog tracking packages out there like Statcounter and Sitemeter can tell you where the person viewing your blog came from.
DC, at 7:37 am
Cookiemonster, welcome. What US said. Click on the little sitemeter thing on my sidebar and it'll take you to their homepage. You can download some html into your template for one of your own. When I click on mine, it takes me to my private stats page including list of referrals - which shows search engine and search criteria. Hours of fun, honest.
crisiswhatcrisis, at 10:40 am
US: can't believe you haven't had some weird ones, with your tank fightingy poo hole-diggingy content. Share, go on.
crisiswhatcrisis, at 10:42 am
Oh, duh. Perhaps if you look at it you get my stats too. I thought that was just me. Go to the Home tag on there instead for your own meter.
crisiswhatcrisis, at 11:29 am
i've had one today from google for "grunting on the toilet". makes a change from "pussycat dolls tranny" and "pigeons bicarbonate explode", i suppose...
surly girl, at 1:00 pm
I get 'Anthony Worrell Thompson Naked' more than would normally be considered normal.
JonnyB, at 3:00 pm
also on the chef theme, rather dully, I have been visted five times today by someone looking for variations on "Dean Digger Masterchef" with or without "Goes Large". Presumably this is a side order.
In a general plea, may I ask people to use far ruder and more disgusting terms to find me?
*Note to self: post absolute filth and your search terms will become much more interesting*
OK, more swearing and lewd references will be forthcoming.
the Beep, at 4:41 pm
I love this topic. It never ceases to amaze me what people out there are typing into search engines. I'm definitely going to drop in some weird stuff and see if people look for it.
crisiswhatcrisis, at 9:12 am
I've done a few experimental searches for myself (well, there has to some way in middle age...) and used terms that I know are in my posts... nothing, de nada, niente etc. Neither in blogger's own search nor at google.
I don't remember the weird one after the smell vag post (i remember the post). But those are surely the sort of terms that will help me rise to the top. Like a poo in a bucket of water.
float, float on.
I'll drifter way then
the Beep, at 10:43 am
these just in:
"motorised sofa"
"correct way to pronounce hormones"
and my personal favourite:
"never trust anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die"
surly girl, at 10:47 am
Motorised sofa, vaginal discharge, Digger Dean. Not three phrases you'd expect to see in the same sentence.
Surly's going to win if no-one else can come up with anything better.
crisiswhatcrisis, at 12:17 pm
Small announcement. I have today received two new searches:
"Yummy mummies in cornwall" (which I quite like. Both cornwal and ... oh you KNOW))
"Discreet chatline for older ladies"
Please. Calm down. I can't hear myself think above all that laughing.
the Beep, at 4:52 pm
Oh dear, I think you've been found out. Pass the Sanatogen.
crisiswhatcrisis, at 1:34 pm
I don't know why I'm laughing. I'm on the first page of 'yellow tomato chutney recipes'.
crisiswhatcrisis, at 1:36 pm
Oh, what a relief!
Now I'm laughing.
Although I'm trying to disguise the relief element
the Beep, at 1:08 pm
I haven't even got any seeds planted yet! I must have been going on about it recently and I'm still on the list.
I will share recipes at the time!
crisiswhatcrisis, at 6:47 pm
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