Welcome, welcome
I've been thinking about this for a while. I even put finger to keyboard, abortively, a couple of times, but couldn't get past the fact that JonnyB's Private Secret Diary did it first. And better. But now I've had a Revelation. I'm approaching That Awkward Age, and having a bit of Mid Life Crisis. So I thought sod it, I'd do it anyway.
I'll be talking about the LOML a lot: The Love Of My Life (I did think of doing like this before I saw Jonny's blog. Honest. Mine isn't a Doctor of science, she's just a Bachelor, if that make sense, but a female one. Spinster: SSc (Hons). But she's married though. Duh. WSc (Hons). Or not, perhaps).
There are others - Flash Pete, so called because he's named Pete and believes that the one who dies with the most shiny toys wins. And Mumbling Nige, and Tony Bloke. And their respective spouses. And Child One and Child Two, which are mine and the LOML's.
Me. I'm 39 (doh). I live in a little village in the country near enough to Birmingham to go Christmas shopping but far enough away to prevent everyone in the village being a commuter, which has 3 pubs (hurrah) and an assortment of shops and stuff. And a first school at which the LOML is An Important Person and gets to decide who the headmaster is. She's generally one of the village important people. If there was ever a riot, and the police tried to calm the situation down by talking to community leaders, she'd be one. I often wondered who 'community leaders' were but now I know, it's people like the LOML. I don't really know what she's doing with me, bless her; I'm a community follower.
I spend a lot of time looking out of my window, hence the title. I have a nice view of my garden, some fields and woods and some nice electricity pylons. There's a footpath in the distance along which people walk occasionally. Usually with dogs.
I'll be talking about the LOML a lot: The Love Of My Life (I did think of doing like this before I saw Jonny's blog. Honest. Mine isn't a Doctor of science, she's just a Bachelor, if that make sense, but a female one. Spinster: SSc (Hons). But she's married though. Duh. WSc (Hons). Or not, perhaps).
There are others - Flash Pete, so called because he's named Pete and believes that the one who dies with the most shiny toys wins. And Mumbling Nige, and Tony Bloke. And their respective spouses. And Child One and Child Two, which are mine and the LOML's.
Me. I'm 39 (doh). I live in a little village in the country near enough to Birmingham to go Christmas shopping but far enough away to prevent everyone in the village being a commuter, which has 3 pubs (hurrah) and an assortment of shops and stuff. And a first school at which the LOML is An Important Person and gets to decide who the headmaster is. She's generally one of the village important people. If there was ever a riot, and the police tried to calm the situation down by talking to community leaders, she'd be one. I often wondered who 'community leaders' were but now I know, it's people like the LOML. I don't really know what she's doing with me, bless her; I'm a community follower.
I spend a lot of time looking out of my window, hence the title. I have a nice view of my garden, some fields and woods and some nice electricity pylons. There's a footpath in the distance along which people walk occasionally. Usually with dogs.
oh my god! oh my god! this is the first time I've read this far back. . .
YOU'RE ONLY 39 - what the fuck are you so bothered about?
being 40 was the best thing that ever happened to me, and the year or so since has been the best year or so of my life since
HONESTLY, take it from me - someone you said you think you might "quite like" (but, as in many other cases, I don't believe you) - it's really NOT AS BAD as everybody makes out (they only want to see you suffer, like everyone they knew who'd reached "that difficult age" made them suffer in the run-up to them being 40) (kind of like bad parenting)
being 40 is great, you'll love it
(I finally kicked depression the year I was 40 - *hurrah* for me!)
oh and just think, you could be 49 - now that, apparently, is really really bad news (especially on the winding-up-front)
Anonymous, at 8:41 am
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